Friday, October 19, 2012

Kathie Lee Backlash, Insensitive to Addiction

Kathie Lee Gifford is catching a lot of heat from the addiction industry for her article in the September 2012 issue of Family Circle magazine. “I’m not a perfect mom, but my kids [son Cody, 22, and daughter Cassidy, 19] haven’t been arrested, in rehab or kicked out of school, so I must be doing something right!”

Experts and families of addiction are now calling her out for “implying that the parents of drug addicts are failures as moms and dads and are ultimately at fault for their children’s drug and substance-abuse problems” and that addiction is a disease that stems from the brain. (Examiner) What an irresponsible comment!

Most of Kathie Lee’s fans and outsiders are furious, commenting all over her Facebook page…

I am so disappointed in your vocal lack of understanding for parents of children who struggle with addiction. That doesn’t make them bad parents – it makes them parents of a human being. Unbelievable lack of empathy for parents who are struggling! Drug use, abuse, and addiction are societal problems – shame, shame on you!

To refer or imply that a persons drug addiction is the parents fault is obviously a blatant lack of knowledge on your part… You should try some research before making such ridiculous statements. 

…while some fans don’t think the gaffe is a big deal…

I do not believe that Kathie Lee meant anything other than that she is proud of her children. Every parent has moments when they question if they are doing a good job. I believe Kathie Lee only meant she is happy that her children are as healthy and happy as they are despite her insecurities. I don’t believe she meant to be offensive to anyone. Let’s give each other a break.

She’s not judging ANYONE. You are the one who seems to be judging. We ALL have our own battles. I believe we are all given our own cross to bear. Whatever that may be.

Ben Levenson, CEO of Origins Recovery Centers says, ”It is shocking that someone like Kathie Lee would seemingly kick suffering parents when they are desperately trying to save their children’s lives. Enough misinformation already! Addiction is a disease which affects over 30 million Americans, approximately the same number of Americans suffering from diabetes. If bad parenting were causal of addiction, as Kathie Lee suggests, this number may be even higher.”

What do you think of Kathie Lee’s comments? Is the backlash deserved?

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